About Third Wall Music
Third Wall Music demystifies predominantly classical (but sometimes other) music, providing additional context to the lives of musicians and performers throughout all ages. Third Wall Music was conceived by Marisa Winter, who is fascinated by the idea that, while we learn about it in silos, art and history are inexorably connected. She became fixated on the idea of 1776. People from the United States tend to think of 1776 and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This was the year Mozart turned 20, and was focused on piano concertos. Inspired by her conservatory Music History professor, Dr. Bob Greenberg, Odd Salon, and Gregangelo’s Velocity Circus, Winter created Third Wall Music, an endeavor that educates and entertains small audiences in intimate, salon-style settings. Immersed in these spaces – often the homes of supporters – audiences gather to hear short talks, followed by musical offerings by performers who are passionate about the topics at hand. Winter is a conservatory trained opera singer with a passion for the obscure and esoteric; learn more about her here.